Business Ethics
This document describes the purpose of the Code of Business Ethics.
The aim of the Code of Business Ethics described herein is to give recommendations on the way that the employees, directors, and members of the board (hereinafter referred to as the Employees) acting on behalf of the company Arginta Engineering, its subsidiary and associated companies (hereinafter referred to as ENG) should conduct themselves.
The recommendations given in the Code of Business Ethics shall not be treated as universal and comprehensive, since it is impossible to foresee all of the circumstances that may be faced.
Despite the above restriction, the Employees may find themselves in situations where no specific principles of conduct have been established. In such cases, it is very important that the Employees duly select and apply the recommendations given herein at their own discretion. It is also expected that in such situations, the Employees will seek advice from their line managers.
The fundamental principles of this policy are as follows: the Employees must act in an honest and ethical manner, comply with the laws, and protect the name and reputation of ENG.
The Employees holding executive positions, depending on their functions in the organisation and their respective job positions, are expected to:
- Support and uphold a working environment that acknowledges, values and sets ethical conduct as a standard;
- Ensure that their employees and team members understand and follow the Code, and also have all the necessary resources for this purpose;
- Observe and continually ensure the implementation of the standards established herein within the organisation;
- Lead the way by their own conduct and encourage others to act in the same way.
ENG supports active, lawful, and ethical competition; therefore, in pursuance of all of its activities, it will work in accordance with all applicable laws on the supervision of competition.
Conduct that breaches the competition laws, e.g. unlawful agreements with competitors, may result in highly serious consequences including:
– fines of up to ten percent of the total turnover of the company;
– imprisonment of those individuals accused of unlawful price-fixing;
– the company’s clients may take personal initiatives and file a claim against the company for the damages incurred.
- Unintentional damage shall also be subject to punishment.
ENG will not tolerate any breach of the laws on the supervision of competition.
The suppliers of ENG play a vital role. It is thanks to them that ENG can operate, supply products and render services to its clients.
ENG will select its suppliers very carefully, by taking their merits into account.
ENG will request that its suppliers follow the requirements laid down in the laws, and also operate and act without prejudice to the provisions of the Code of Business Ethics of ENG.
Our reputation is a great asset for ENG. The ENG trademarks must be used in a consistent and appropriate manner, thus avoiding the possibility of losing our legal rights to such trademarks.
If a client or supplier submits a request to use the ENG name or company brand in their advertising, it must first receive permission from ENG.
Any and all official ads or advertising campaigns and promotions must be approved by the manager of ENG.
Invalid, misleading or false actions and initiatives are strictly prohibited.
Employees must take the respective steps to keep the confidential information belonging to ENG that becomes available to them owing to the nature of their work.
ENG will not use the confidential information that has been made available to it about other companies.
Any and all Employees must respect the confidential information belonging to other persons.
the property
Employees should protect the property of ENG and ensure the proper usage thereof. Any and all suspected cases of fraud or theft must be immediately reported to the line managers.
Technologies, equipment and such other resources belonging to ENG should not be used for purposes other than the activities performed by the company; however, a single use thereof for personal purposes may be allowed.
Bribery and
ENG has an obligation to perform honest activities and to avoid corruption, including bribery, of any type, as well as to comply with the laws on fighting corruption applicable in every state, in the territories where the company performs its activities. ENG has undertaken to perform its activities and to dispose of its business affairs in a way so that the company will not get involved in or encourage corruption of any form.
ENG Employees will never offer and accept any payments or remunerations, except in cases of normal hospitality when they can reasonably be seen not to be aimed at influencing business-related decisions.
ENG forbids the Employees from giving, offering or promising money or valuables, as well as rendering services, giving presents or offering recreational events to individuals working for state authorities, officers or other such persons, if such actions are aimed at illegally obtaining or maintaining business opportunities or other such purposes.
Assistance and charity is only allowed within the scope of the socially responsible activities of the company. ENG makes decisions and performs activities that may affect its Employees, clients and partners, as well as the local communities in one way or another, in a responsible manner. Prior to assuming obligations of any nature, any and all agreements in connection to assistance shall first be coordinated with the manager of ENG.
Safety and
ENG has undertaken to create and manage a safe and harmless working environment. There is no priority higher than the security, health protection, and safety of the company’s Employees, clients, suppliers, and the local communities.
Consistency and proper behavior, as well as continuous improvement in these areas, are the ultimate goals of the company, which have become an integral part of all of our business processes and programs.
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted and published the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The guiding principles of this international document, which defines human rights, have been accepted by most member states. Social and international expectations are reflected in this document.
The following principles are covered:
- Respect for human rights;
- Prohibition of discrimination and harassment;
- Right to privacy;
- Prohibition of slavery;
- Right to honest remuneration for work.
ENG supports the defense and protection of human rights.
In pursuance of our activities, we endeavor to ensure we achieve a balance between conserving the environment, meeting public needs, and developing a corporate business. We hereby undertake to:
- Comply with the laws and such other acts on the environmental protection;
- Rationally use our material and energy resources, and contribute to sorting the waste that is generated on our site.